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مارکا:پزشک سابق مارادونا میگوید اودرسالهای اخیربشدت از ادامه زندگی خسته شده بود و حتی یکبار درکوبا باانداختن اتوموبیلش به زیراتوبوس اقدام به خودکشی کرد که توسط پزشکان نجات یافت اومیگویدمغز مارادونا آسیب دیده بود اما او کاملا دچار آلزایمرنشده بود
www.marca.com › 2020/12/20
The day Maradona tried to commit suicide in Cuba | MARCA in Englis
Maradona Alfredo Cahe tells the story
"He had brain damage, but didn't quite have Alzheimer's," the player's former doctor said during a chat with the programme 'Intratables'. ... "One day Diego was in his car and he drove in front of a bus in an attempt to kill himself," Cahe claimed during the interview.