Elyas .“I'm assuming you have to respect your coach. When something like that happens to you, I was educated in this way at Clairefontaine in particular, the coach is above everyone, whether you are a star or not . The boss, the one who sets up the team, is Pochettino. Through his message where he says he does not know where Messi is, it simply means that Messi did not take his phone to explain himself to Pochettino. That explains a lot of things. The coach can do whatever he wants. It must be terrible. I find that very shocking from Messi.”
این متن مصاحبه طرف هست خوشحال میشم نشون بدی جایی که گفته من از عملکرد نا آمید کننده مسی شوکه شدم
اصلا طرف از عملکرد این حرف ها چیزی صحبت نکرده ؛ فقط گفته از نوع رفتار مسی ( در جریان نگذاشتن پوچینیتو ) شوکه شدم . جایی این که ذوق کنی از اینکه یکی از مسی انتقاد کرده حداقل ببین چی گقته و چیزی که خودت دوست داری بشنوی رو به پای طرف ننویس