Amir MSex
Full-frontal nudity of women twice; one is sexual, and the other shows bloody injuries. Several instances of simulated sex, including oral sex, with women's breasts shown and, once, a man's buttocks. A topless woman puts another woman's hand on one of her breasts. Lots of kissing, caressing, and suggestive behavior. A man caresses the underside of a desk with his other hand down his pants. A man encourages incest between half-siblings. Suggestive caressing over clothing. A husband and wife dance suggestively, including biting buttocks over clothing. Clingy, revealing clothing. Characters frequently talk about sex in dehumanizing terms. Subtitles mention infidelity and a vulgar phrase for anal sex. In a restaurant a woman moves off her chair and under the table.
Frequent, no-holds-barred, strong profanity with many variations. "F--k," "s--t," "goddamn," "bitch," "hell," "Jesus Christ" as exclamation, "pigf--king," "boning," "fistf--k," and "d--k" (body part).
خلاصش میشه خیر! :)