All results from the Group Phase - 1st Round carry over to this round.
Every team plays against the two teams in its group that it did not face during the Group Phase - 1st Round, for a total of 16 games (2 games per team, 4 games per group).
After these games, the global classification for places 17-32 will then be established according to the Official Basketball Rules:
1st in groups will be classified 17 - 20
2nd in groups will be classified 21 - 24
3rd in groups will be classified 25 - 28
4th in groups will be classified 29 - 32
Should the comparative ranking need to be established between the teams placed on the same position in the groups, one group of all teams in questions shall be established. The criteria shall be applied in the following order:
Better win-loss record of all games played in their revised final group standings.
Higher game points difference of all games in their revised final group standings.
Higher number of the game points scored in all games in their revised final group standings.
If these criteria still cannot decide, a draw shall decide on the final classification.
For more information, please read Section D of the
اینجوری که این گفته ایران تو گروه اول بشه چین دوم رتبه ایران بیشتره تمام. یعنی ایران تو این گروه رتبش بیشتر باشه 2 بشه چین سوم باز ایران رفته بالا
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