20. Marissa Cooper, “The O.C.”
19. Clay Morrow and Gemma Teller Morrow, “Sons of Anarchy”
18. David Brent, “The Office(uk)”
17. Nina Myers, “24”
16. Jeremy Jamm, “Parks and Recreation”
15. Arthur Mitchell, “Dexter”
14. Professor Doofenschmirtz, “Phineas and Ferb”
13. Number Six, “Battlestar Galactica”
12. Grant Grunderschmidt, “Review”
11. Kilgrave, “Marvel’s Jessica Jones”
10. Simon Cowell, “American Idol”
9. Perry Wright, “Big Little Lies”
8. Patti Levin, “the Leftovers ”
7. Hannibal Lecter, “Hannibal”
6. Lorne Malvo, “Fargo”
5. Ben Linus, “Lost”
4. Mags Bennett, “Justified”
3. King Joffrey, “Game of Thrones”
2. Al Swearengen, “Deadwood”
1. Gus Fring, “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul”